Calculated Columns

Columns can be added in the tables for imported and linked external data. Various calculation functions and some special functions are available for this purpose. The calculated columns do not hold their own data, but determine a new value from the values of other columns. If the contents of other columns change, the calculation result can also change.

These calculations can also be inserted in queries or work tables (see Queries).

With this button you can open a menu in the table view which offers the different calculation functions.

Calculated Column

Here you can use a formula editor to specify a calculation based on the contents of the table. A list of all functions and formulas can be found here.

Substring column

The Substring column function is used to extract part of the cell contents from another column. This is useful, for example, to generate a new column that contains only the first two digits of the postal code or only the first five digits of the eight-digit municipality code number (i.e. the district code number). The substring function is identical to the calculation function "Part(...)".

After you have selected your source, you can still decide whether the substring should be taken from the beginning, from the middle or from the end.

As Result you can directly label the new column.

Note: For example, if you want to have the content from a certain position, specify part and set the character for end accordingly high.

Coordinate Transformation

With this calculation you can have coordinates of one coordinate system converted into another.

The analyses in EasyMap always require geographical coordinates. If your coordinates are available in another system (in Germany, for example, Gauß-Krüger coordinates are common), you can add calculated columns of this type in order to be able to use such coordinates in analyses. Back-conversion is of course also possible.


The Distance function is used to calculate the line distance in meters between two points or coordinates. The calculation assumes that for each of the two coordinates there is a column with the latitude (LAT) and a column with the longitude (LON).

Lookup from Reference Table

Allows you to read a value from another table and display it in the current table. The relationship between the tables is established using two key columns.

You can call this function either in external data in table window or via query dialog.

Located in Region

With the column Located in you can identify for a number or a coordinate into which area of another level this falls. For example, you have initially imported a client base table for an area structure and now want to know which employee is responsible for the customer after area changes.

Count of elements in

This column is used to identify for an area how many symbols of an analysis lie in this area.


The calculated column Score enables the determination of a key figure under consideration of several data columns. Such scores are often used in order to be able to consider several evaluation or optimization criteria simultaneously in area and location analyses and optimizations (e.g. turnover, visiting time and area per sales area).

Aggregation functions

At several points in EasyMap, a lot of data must be combined into one result value. The following functions are available in EasyMap:

aggregate function Example result for (6,7,1,4,7,2) Returns a value from the input Available for text values
Sum 27    
Average 4,5    
Minimum 1
Maximum 7
First Value1The first and last values can differ due to internal re-sorting. You should only use these aggregates if you do not care about the selected value, for example, because there is only one value per area anyway. In all cases where a join occurs where you know that at most only one other value of the other table matches (for example, join a unique assignment table with a district basic data table), it is more efficient to use the "First value" function than one of the other functions. 6
Last Value2The first and last values can differ due to internal re-sorting. You should only use these aggregates if you do not care about the selected value, for example, because there is only one value per area anyway. In all cases where a join occurs where you know that at most only one other value of the other table matches (for example, join a unique assignment table with a district basic data table), it is more efficient to use the "First value" function than one of the other functions. 2
Median3The median is the mean value in the sorted order of all values. For an even number of values, EasyMap returns the next value after the middle. 6
Most Frequent Value4If several values have the same frequency, EasyMap selects the value closest to the median. 7
List (separated by commas)5Duplicate values are listed only once in the sorted result lists. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7  
List (system separator)6Duplicate values are listed only once in the sorted result lists. 1;2;4;6;775 Result if the semicolon is set as the separator in your system. Changing the system separator also changes the result in EasyMap.  
Number of Records8Number of values does not count empty data cells, but number of data records does. 6  
Number of Values9Number of values does not count empty data cells, but number of data records does. 6  

Note: Empty values (empty table cells) are not taken into account except in aggregation mode Number of data records.