Maps in LTG format usually contain either areas or topography.

LTGs for territories

Area base maps contain the areas of an territory division and often also larger structures composed of these (e.g. municipalities and federal states, postal code areas and postal code regions). Many different map layers can be stored in a single LTG file, e.g. borders of federal states, districts and municipalities. The areas serve as a basis for analyses.

Area base maps contain areas (e.g. postal code areas), borders (e.g. postal code area borders) and area labels. The LTGs are usually delivered with design templates. This means that they can be used immediately by the user, i.e. without great design effort.

Topography LTGs

Topographic base maps contain elements that are independent of a specific area structure, such as cities, rivers or streets. In EasyMap, they are used exclusively for decoration and help orientation in the map. They cannot be used as a basis for analysis.

You can use different area base maps next to each other in the same map element at any time. However, it is completely sufficient to use only one topography base map.

Note: For base maps up to the map release in 2013 and for special maps, the topographic elements and the areas are combined in one base map. In these cases, areas and topographic levels are therefore listed together in a list in the control window Base Maps.

Insert Topography Dialog

If you insert layers from an area base map and there is a matching topography base map, you will be asked whether topographic content should also be inserted for the areas you have inserted.

Digital maps primarily contain geographical information only (i.e. areas, borders and names). These can also be inserted individually on the sheet. The topographical information can be inserted topographically from the directory e.g. Germany.

We distinguish between land use with commercial, residential and green areas, airports, forests, water bodies, as well as roads and rivers. Lakes and cities. Depending on your needs, you can insert all layers by Drag&Drop or just individual layers.

Barrier LTGs

Barrier files with the file extension *.bar.ltg contain information about areas that represent traffic obstacles, such as mountains, river sections without bridges or bays.

EasyMap normally uses linear distances for all distance calculations. However, depending on the topographical situation, these distances deviate greatly from the actual distances of the traffic routes. When planning an area, it can be crucial to cut areas so that all areas of the area are easily accessible.

Therefore EasyMap offers the consideration of barriers for the following situations:

  • Territory Optimization: Consider barriers for the area layout (Further information: here)
  • Analyses of territory organization: Consider barriers when calculating values (Further information: hier)

Barrier files are only available for map bases in LTG format (only for certain maps of Germany, Austria and Switzerland). The use of such a map base automatically determines which barrier file is used.

Show barrier map

If you want to see which barriers a barrier file contains, you can display the barriers:

  • Select Extras > Options from the menu and display General the Advanced settings tab. In the Advanced section, set the List Barrier Map Basics option to yes.

The map bases list will now be updated. Under Other you will find the available barrier files. You can now drag&drop the layers into a map to display their contents.