Zoom and Pan


To move the map click and hold the left mouse button and drag the map to a new place.

Um die Karte auf dem Blatt zu verschieben, markieren Sie zuerst die Karte. Ein Rahmen um die Karte erscheint. Press and hold the left mouse button on this frame to move the map.

Zooming in and out

You have several ways to zoom in and out of the map.

By scrolling the mouse wheel you can zoom directly into and out of the map. If you want to enlarge a certain area, hold down the middle mouse button and drag a rectangle over the desired map section. Alternatively, press SHIFT and left mouse button to enter the same mode.

Alternatively, you can use the icon buttons of the Zoom modes. These include the functions Set zoom section, Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom to marker. These are by default not in the toolbar, but must first be switched on.

Note: If the Zoom function is activated within the selected map, the effects of the zoom commands and the Move command change.

Note: If the assignment mode of the territory organization is activated, you cannot move the map with the mouse or set the zoom section with the mouse as described above. To make these functions also available in assignment mode, press the Ctrl key simultaneously, i.e. Ctrl + left Mouse Button = Move or Ctrl + Shift + left Mouse Button = Set Zoom Section.