Clip Map

In EasyMap, a clip map is a map section that hides all things beyond this area. In EasyMap, clip maps are used to display only a certain area of a map or layer, such as a federal state or a region of a sales force structure.

Note: If only a certain section of the map is to be displayed, but is not necessarily to be cut off at the borders of the areas, you can create it using the command Zoom within the marked map. If this is sufficient for you, you do not need any clip maps.

Create a Clip Map

In the simplest case, you define a uniform clip map for a map. For this you have different commands at your disposal.

Deviating clip maps

In more complex scenarios you can also define different clip maps for individual layers or layer groups different clip maps. These layers then no longer follow the general punching out of the map, but define their own visibility area.

Note: Maps on which a clip map has been set and layers on which a different clip map has been defined are marked with a symbol in the Contents control window.

Overview of set map sections

With the command Clip map > Overview you can display in a special map which clip maps have been defined and how individual layers differentiate from them.

The overview dialog shows you at a glance which clip maps are available in your map (only offered on the map level). Use this command if you use different clip maps to see the status of the individual layers.

Note: In the overview of the clip maps used, you can use Drag&Drop to transfer different clip maps to other layers. Drag the desired layer from the standard clip map into the deviating clip map. With the Apply button you can view your result in the map.